2011. szeptember 4., vasárnap

Caught on video: Solid Muay Thai game pays off for Memphis security guard

Don't call them rent-a-cops anymore. There are some highly trained security guards around the country especially those who've watched a little mixed martial arts.

Check out this wild scene in Tennessee where an off-duty Memphis Area Transit Authority guard took on some idiot named Morgan Turner.

According to officials the fracas was absolutely necessitated by Turner:

MATA says the fight started after the guard received complaints that Turner was harassing women outside the bus terminal on Main Street.

ABC24 provided the video and did a follow up with some local fighters to ask about the guard's technique.

Fighter Ladarius Miller says he's trained with the guard, known as "Karate" to his buddies. He was shocked by the video.

"The fight�ain't his fault. It ain't surprising in how he fights, but I'm surprised it's him," says Miller. "Watch it, Inside leg kick. Check out the hook.� You see the hook? You see the hook? Look at the upper cut. "

Another local fighter Brian Hall could tell "Karate" had some training.

"The suspect had his hands down and the guard had his hands up," says Hall,�"and that right there should have told him, I don't want to mess with this guy," said Hall.

No charges were filed against the victim of the butt kicking or the guard. The MATA officer has been reassigned to a new location.

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