2011. május 9., hétfő

Luckiest man in Canada lives out dream by putting belt on GSP

Dana White was clearly blown away by the passion of Canadian MMA fans in Toronto for UFC 129, so when one of them had a crazy request, the UFC president granted the UFC diehard his wish.

Yahoo! Sports' Eh Game was on the scene as Trevor Fitzgerald rolled the dice during White's Friday Q & A:

"After Georges St-Pierre beats down Jake Shields," Fitzgerald started, to immediate cheers. "Can I have the honour of the putting the championship belt around his waist?"

The question seemed to daze White for a moment.

"That's a tough request," the president said. "But [expletive] it, I'll do it."

The place erupted. Disbelieving fans could be heard shouting, "Are you kidding me?" And moments later, Fitzgerald was near the stage sharing his cell number with White's bodyguard so that they can set this whole thing up.

If you paid close attention seconds after Bruce Buffer belted out the results and wondered who the Kevin Smith look-a-like was in the Octagon, now you have your answer - just some fan who asked.

Fitzgerald may be the luckiest man in Canada. He was only at the event because he won a contest!

A father of two from Fort Frances, Ont., Fitzgerald asked his wife if he could go to UFC 129. The answer was no. Corrina, his wife reminded him that his five-year-old daughter Emily had a dance recital today.

Fitzgerald had one card left up his sleeve. He'd entered a UFC 129 trip giveaway at a local Boston Pizza. Guess what happened? Fitzgerald has his name pulled, won two tickets, a hotel room and airfare, and the wifey had to relent.

Tip via Eh Game

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